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Talent Recruitment

what can I do with a physics degree - students in high-vis

Talent Recruitment

Our physics graduates are highly skilled and ambitious. We can help you attract them to your business through networking at our physics-focused careers fair, working with you to establish and set up internships and other work experience opportunities and by advertising your job vacancies via our extensive networks.

Find out how we can help you with talent recruitment

We Organise the UK's Biggest Physics Focussed Careers Fair

The WRIPA fair careers zone

Free to attend

WRIPA fair 2014, York University, Ron Cook Hub,

Open to all university physics students from The Midlands and The North

an employer giving a talk to students in a lecture hall

Connect with students through 1:1 appointments, Q&A panel discussions and presentations

students in discussion

Attracts 700-900 physics students

In person event

a student carrying out a physics experiment

We Set Up Internships to Introduce Students to Your Business

a student carrying out a physics experiment

Internships are a great way for you to identify new talent and discover future graduate employees. Whatever your sector, our physicists have the professional skills and versatility to bring value to your work.

We will work with you to develop tailor-made placements which will enthuse our brightest students and help you assess their potential.

a student and employer looking at a laptop

We Advertise Career Opportunities to More Than 3000 Students

a student and employer looking at a laptop

We promote job and internship vacancies using specially tailored emails and word-of-mouth recommendations. Whether you need to recruit ten scientists for your graduate scheme or an undergraduate for a two-week project, we will help you find the right talent.

Our Universities

Student and Business Relationship Managers

Our team of Student and Business Relationship Managers will help you to connect with our students and graduates. Speak to the team for help with creating an internship, summer placement or research project. We can also advertise your job vacancies to our pool of physics talent. Or if you think we can help in any other way please get in touch.
samantha pugh headshot

Professor Samantha Pugh

Mark Felgate