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 Jia Zheng Jin Jia

University of Leeds

BSc Physics with Astrophysics
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What projects were you involved with at Aire Global?

“I completed different tasks that the finance manager, Olivia Gaunt, would present to me. I was involved in creating financial reports related to their earnings and costs, outstanding payments of their clients and keeping track of employee’s costs.”

What was the most valuable thing or lesson you learned?

“This was the first office work job I ever had so I have learnt a lot from the application process to what the role offered. I think the most valuable thing I’ve learnt in this work placement would be that adaptability is key. Taking the knowledge you gained from past experiences and putting them into your current work is hard at first but once you get it, everything becomes easier.”

What physics knowledge did you apply whilst working in the role?

“I wouldn’t say that I applied physics knowledge (calculation wise) for this particular role. However, I applied the skills I learnt during the degree. Having an analytical mind to approach the tasks, researching and analysing the data from  XERO in order to produce the reports and last but not least it helped me improve my communication skills outside the academic area.”

How will doing an internship help you in the future?

“I believe that any experience that you can grab for yourself at early stages of your career will be beneficial. Regardless of the area of study or what the role offers, there is always something to learn. This internship personally has helped me develop the soft skills that I gained from my degree that can be applied to future jobs that I may apply for.”

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